Welcome to February’s edition of Ben Tires. With Winter months comes drying conditions. So just in time for spring (whoops!!) I have tested 5 hand creams to lock in that moisture, soft hands are very important darling!! So let’s get testing…
Vaseline Intensive Care | £3.99

This has a light fresh scent, is easy to rub in and feels quite hydrating. This doesn’t feel intensely moisturising as the name suggests but still feels nice.
Get it here
Nivea Anti Age | £3.89

This hand cream has a classic clean scent. My hands absorbed this easily, although it did feel a little greasy. This felt really hydrating and would be great for overnight.
Get it here
M&S Floral Collection Lavender Hand Cream | £2

I love the lavender scent of this hand cream. However, it doesn’t feel very moisturising and took forever to rub in.
Get it here
Garnier Hand Repair | £3.99

This had an odd plastic-esque scent, which is really strange. Again hard to but in, but it did feel very moisturising so would be great for overnight.
Get it here
Crabtree & Evelyn Pomegranate & Argan Oil Hand Therapy | £18

The scent of this hand cream is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, I am obsessed. It rubs into my hands so well, feels really hydrating and doesn’t feel sticky. Admittedly it is far more expensive than the others, but it seems to be worth it.
Get it here
So 5 hand creams tested and I am sure that you can tell the winner. In fifth place is M&S Floral Collection Lavender Hand Cream- far too hard to rub in. Fourth goes to Garnier Hand Repair- not a fan of the scent. Third place is Vaseline Intensive Care- not intensive enough. Second goes to Nivea Anti Age - super hydrating. So first place goes to Crabtree & Evelyn Pomegranate & Argan Oil Hand Therapy- this is the perfect hand cream, I cannot get enough of it.

Thank you for joining me today for February’s Ben Tries. Next month will have an edible theme! See you all very soon...