Oh hello darling, and welcome back, thrilled to have you here. This month I want to reflect on the world of content creation, and my anniversary.
On the 26th of July 2020, I will have been doing this for 4 whole years. This seems like a very long time, and in reality, a lot has changed, including me.
The biggest change in myself from 2016 to 2020 is the way in which we all use our words and voices. Back in 2016, blogs were becoming a bit old fashioned and weren’t taken seriously. I don’t ever think blogs will bounce back to the early days of the late 00s, and getting people to actually read your words is tough, but consistency makes for a reliable readership - hello to you!

If you had asked me in 2016 what my website was for, I am not sure I would have provided you with a very coherent answer. I only remember having the huge sense that the world didn’t care about me, this being just a week after Brexit. I decided that if I wanted to achieve anything, I would have to go out and get it myself, so I began sharing my thoughts with the world.
Shoot back to 2020, and if you asked me why I still have my website, I would tell you that growing up I never had the chance to see anyone like myself, and I felt isolated and trapped by my own identity. My website is the chance to be a beacon of hope for future generations, with education, insights and confidence that I hope will change people’s lives.

Earlier in my life, my family used to suggest that I was unable to stick to things and that I didn’t ever see anything through. This has probably been one of the contributing factors in my work ethic and very firmly lit a fire under me. So it could come across self-indulgent to celebrate my own anniversary, but 15 year old me would never have believed that I could stick at something weekly for 4 years, so this is a big moment for me.
One of the biggest changes in my content is the actual reason for posting it. Years past saw me posting more for the sake of posting than anything else. That kept the site treading water, but this has changed for me. I really aim to bring you content that will open your eyes, help you learn and take in differing perspectives on life.

Having something to say is a great place to start, but now what you say has to actually have an impact, otherwise, you may as well talk to yourself. I have really felt this, and I have harnessed video content and writing for different outlets alongside this blog to really widen the net and create more chances for actual change to occur.
I’m thrilled to get to 4 years and know that this feeds part of my soul, and the world needs me to speak out so I will continue to bring you content. Who knows where I’m going, but its fun to find out, so here’s to the next 4 years!!

Shot by Rachel Pechey