Bonsoir my darlings!! Welcome to January’s edition of Ben Tries. January is a time for new habits to be made (see more about this in New Year, New Ben?). It is recommended that we can stay healthy by drinking 2 litres of water a day, so I thought that I would try some water for you.
I know that many people probably think that all water is the same but it does vary massively as you will discover as you read on. So I am going to try 5 varying brands of water to discover if you really can tel the difference, and to see if I can find a winner.
Marks and Spencer Scottish Still Water | £0.70 for 500ml

Nice and refreshing - simple and clean.

Get it here
Fiji Water | £1.50 for 1L

Fiji water is great, maybe I’ve been sucked in by the packaging but I really love the water - super refreshing- this is naturally filtered volcanic water. I love the size of this bottle, a litre seems like a lot of water but in this bottle is completely manageable and makes it easier to drink.

Get it here
Voss Water | £2.39 for 800ml

This water was so refreshing, it felt so crisp and clean. This water comes from Norway specifically Iveland. This is a very sparsely populated area and the water source is very pure. Yes I know it’s perhaps one of the more pretentious bottles in this list, but it is completely reusable and recyclable So is better for the environment too. I really enjoyed my Voss water.

Get it here
Can O’Water | £1 for 330ml

This is really here for novelty sake. This is a fashion week favourite of mine, it does taste a little different to bottled water, but is still pleasant.

Get it here
Solan Cabras Water | £4.66 for 1L

This water is from Spain. This was so, good, I drank this so quickly and it felt amazing. Really I know that water is all the same, at a molecular level, however, this water has a lower sodium content making it feel softer to drink- does that even make sense? Also, a blue bottle is fun, no?

Get it here
So there you have it 5 types of water tried and I am ready to give my verdict. This month we only have a 2nd and 1st place, with my runners-up Can O’Water and M&S Still Water, with joint first going to Solan Cabras Water, Voss and Fiji Water. It may seem ludicrous to you but I think you can really tell the difference in the artisan waters compared to standard still water.

I hope you enjoyed this post, Ben Tries has a fresh look for 2018, let me know what you think. I will be back on Friday with another fashion post. Until then have a gorgeous week darling !!!