BONJOUR my dear readers, how the devil are you? We are at the end of November and boy has this month been busy, my work schedule has been HECTIC, what with my dissertation, my other projects and putting out a BRAND NEW PODCAST it has been full on!! However, today is the last tuesday of the month so in a time honoured tradition I will recount the things that I have loved this month...
Boursin and Ritz

I have eaten so much Boursin and Crackers this month, I am not a savoury or a Cheese person but I have such a love for this combination. I have no time for the black pepper version of Boursin, but the Garlic and Herb version is so delicious.

Maybe I am watching myself change more and more, but I have had a real craving this month for Gherkins. Their sweet tang and crunch are genuinely addictive.
Try them here
Kiko Nail Polish

Nail polish that is not Chanel, what is happening this month? Well, my local Kiko is so tempting it has been so easy to pop in and try different products. The ones that I have loved the most are the new holographic Purple and this deep metallic bronze. They paint and wear well so deserve their place in this month's favourites.
Nigella At My Table

I ADORE NIGELLA. Need I say more, if you read my Domestic Goddess post you will have seen how much of a fan I am. This new series has given me all the gastronomic comfort I have needed this month, also it is perfect material for my Dissertation so Nigella is the one for me.
Watch it here
Rover and the Big Fat Baby - Roddy Doyle

I adored Doyle's books as a child, and when recently browsing Amazon for christmas shopping ideas (see my Christmas gift guides here, here and here) I stumbled across a new story and snapped it up for Old times sake. It is a lovely funny and in some places ridiculous story. What is not to love!!
Buy it here
Now You See Me

I don’t know why it has taken me so long to see this film, but I am so glad I have finally seen this film. Full of twists an turns and so many great actors, this film is 2 hours of gripping magic filled action.
Watch it here
Translated with Ben and Jamie
That's right, you may or may not have heard that Jamie and myself have created and launched a BRAND NEW podcast for your listening pleasure, New episodes 9am at every Tuesday !!

Listen here
Favourite Looks
I love the first and last posts of the month with my sartorial inspirations and the first post in my coat season. Keep checking back in December for more posts in my coat season!

Thank you so much for joining me today and for rounding off November together. I will see you on Friday with the next in my Sartorial Inspiration series, and the continuation of Coat Season !!